Why We Should Be Careful With Online Classified-Ads

 Back in my high school days, I was really an avid fan of a Korean Pop group. Going all-around crazy for them, having merchandises and stuff with their names and faces printed on them feels like I'm in heaven seeing them. These fantasies led me to try buying online, as what others call as "online shopping". Not taking any thoughts on the bad effects it might bring, I recklessly ordered and successfully got what I ordered. This achievement lead to another order and another, until time came that my order didn't reach me and the seller never answered a single call of text. That's when I realized I was scammed.

Why We Should Be Careful With Online Classified-Ads

The accessibility and knowledge of a person of the internet gives him or her privileges to explore and discover. With today's modern technology, one can visit many sites that offer a lot of products available to see. By just displaying the contact details of the seller, an interested buyer can skim through the webpage and contact the seller. He or she may reply to many of your messages prior the official transaction and the deal's closed: you pay through the seller's account or via any money delivery method and in exchange you get the item. This is a very simple "barter system" method for both of you; a win-win, which is why most people, especially students are very fond of trying this out.

But, the real issue here is trust.

What if one gets to pay first for the product but never gets it? What if the seller never replies to any of your texts, calls, and e-mails? Can I get my money back? How can I know that a person I never met in my entire life that sells the item that I want can be trusted?

I believe that students are one of the targets of online marketplaces. This is because a lot of them are very fond and knowledgeable of using the internet and their interest in trying something they have never done before makes surfing more exciting. What's more is that they can afford it at a low price because most of these products are second-hand yet in good conditions. Also, the communication method for these transactions is quite easy.

According to a report published by Star-Telegram, internet shopping scams tops the list of consumer complaints in the year 2010 with 37%. So to warn students out there, here are some reasons why we should be careful with online classified-ads that are NOT designed for students:

A lot of sellers found on these sites can be scammers. Being a victim of scams is really a piece of headache. There is no money-back guarantee and once they receive your money, running away is easier than delivering what's due to you.

Getting the product delayed. I really experienced this situation wherein the product I expect to see in a few days never arrives, even for a week of waiting. This can occur if the seller has not yet processed your transaction or the courier has lost/never received the package.

You got the item, but it was defective. Many items when delivered get a bit of a defect when it arrives to you. Improper handling of these packages (although box signs say FRAGILE) can never be avoided. Or maybe in the first place, the item was really defective and the seller wants to get rid of it by selling it to you while earning money.

Buying online is somewhat expensive. Second-hand products have lower prices compared to brand new items, so yes you can save money from it. However, taking into account the shipping fees and delivery charges by couriers, it is really more efficient to buy brand new.

To see is to believe. I personally have the confidence in seeing the product first right before my eyes than just seeing its picture. Examining the product thoroughly can give you chances on whether you would really buy the item or not. In this manner, you are given choices and you can choose what is really for your benefit.

For many of us students, we should remember that the money we put on our pockets are not ours, it is from our parents' wallets. Saving is much more efficient to do than buying this and that. Remember that we can get anything if we have stable jobs in the near future. And finally, be critical-minded in using the internet. It offers and teaches you to make rational decisions and it is up to you to be wise on what to choose.

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