Networking and Classified Advertising
Finding a job is easy when you use classified ads online. Most job searches do begin online and more importantly with classified ads. This can be seen with the use of services such as Twitter and Craigslist. Most fortune 500 companies now use sponsored tweets to executives when they are trying to head hunt for high earning employees. These employees can bring confidence to the stability of a company, especially those that are listed on the stock market. Research studies have revealed that 80% of non-farm payroll jobs are found through direct applications and other traditional methods. This means that only about 20% of jobs are found using online advertisement.
This is relative to successful applications as well. There are services that allow you to email several companies all at once or have specific job applications made based on a direct job offer. This is where classified ads become very useful. Both recruiters and applicants can enter specific search terms and still benefit based on this issue.
However for job applicants the task at hand can be a bit more difficult. Using methods such as Facebook and Twitter is an excellent way to find a job, however networking can be much easier at the end of the day. Some people have had success with placing their particulars in a classified advertisement but this is not the best way to go about handling a typical job search.
Networking is all about exposure, this means that you use all your contacts to get introductions to people that work in your field and might have a position open that you can fill.
A good age old proverb is to seek a friend before you need a friend. This is in essence the mantra of good networking. If you meet and interact constantly with people that work in your industry when there are positions open you will be the first person that they advise or contact about it.
When most companies are recruiting they like to do that from within. This means that job postings are advertised to staff first. Learning about these openings before they are advertised can give you a considerable advantage in tailoring your resume to fit the opening, preparing for an interview and as most research shows, recruiters normally hire from the first five candidates that they interview.
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